Listen here to the music:
Please note:
© The complete copyright of the music (also this electronic version) has been deposited. This means that you can only listen but not use it nor partially, nor completely for your own purposes. Let alone that you use it for your own performances or productions.
For citation rights please contact the publisher and the Buma/Stemra organization in the Netherlands. |
Prices of the score per copy:
Score | Number | Prise (incl. 6% BTW) |
Complete Score A4 | 9789461331205-P-NL | € 45,- |
Complete Score A3 | 9789461331205-XL-NL | € 65,- |
Solo | 9789461331205-S-NL | € 4,50 |
Choir | 9789461331205-C-NL | € 5,50 |
Orgel | 9789461331205-I-NL | € 12,50 |
This work is also available in Dutch, French and German.
Prices for the score are the same.
For example, one does not hear the words of the sung text by the choir, but only "aah" and "ooh".
The instruments, on the other hand, are quite realistic thanks to the latest electronics.
It remains, however, that the whole of the interpretation of the conductors/musicians is missing and therefore may sound somewhat sterile